
Getting Started

Let's assume you have a static web site project that you would like to publish to an S3 bucket named my-bucket.


  • node 10.17+ (includes npm and npx commands)


If you do not already have a package.json file in your project root, create one:

npm init -y


Install s3-publish as a development dependency:

npm install -D s3-publish


yarn add -D s3-publish

At this point, you should be able to run npx s3p and see the help information.

Individual Modules

s3-publish is a meta package that includes @s3-publish/cli and all dependencies bundled with webpack.

Alternately, the bundled modules can be installed individually:

npm install -D @s3-publish/cli @s3-publish/loggers @s3-publish/core @s3-publish/provider-fs @s3-publish/provider-s3

Returned values from require('s3-publish') and require('@s3-publish/cli') are functionally equivalent and both provide the s3p command.

Note: The individual modules in the @s3-publish namespace export TypeScript types but s3-publish DOES NOT re-export them.

Create Config File (Optional)

A config file can be defined to specify options and implement various handler and delegate functions. If a .s3p.config.js file exists in the CWD, it is loaded automatically.

Options specified in the config file are overridden by command line arguments.

Use the s3p init command to create a .s3p.config.js file in the CWD:

npx s3p init

Edit this file and set (at a minimum) the target root to 's3://my-bucket'.

See ConfigFile for all configurable options and the Guides (Ignoring Files, Comparing Files, etc) for examples.

List Files

The s3p ls command will list files in origin and target by default.

npx s3p ls
  • If no origin root is defined in the config file or specified using --origin (-o), the CWD is listed
    • Use --no-origin to prevent origin from being listed
  • If no target root is defined in the config file or specified using --target (-t), the target is not listed
    • Use --no-target to prevent target from being listed

Additional roots may be specified as positional (unnamed) command line arguments:

s3p ls s3://s3p-test

See ConfigFile for all configurable options and s3p Command for all command line arguments.

Publish Files

The s3p sync command will analyze the origin and target roots to determine what operations are needed to make the target match the origin.

npx s3p sync

or, without a config file:

npx s3p sync -t s3://my-bucket
  • If no origin root is defined in the config file or specified using --origin (-o), the CWD is used
  • If no target root is defined in the config file or specified using --target (-t), an error is thrown

You will be prompted before any operations are performed by default.

  • To skip the prompt and perform the operations, use --go (-y) or set the go option to true in the config file
  • To skip the prompt and NOT perform the operations, use --no-go (-n) or set the go option to false in the config file

Target files not present in the origin are not processed by default.

  • To delete target files not present in the origin, use --delete (-d) or set the delete option to true in the config file

See ConfigFile for all configurable options and s3p Command for all command line arguments.

Next Steps

You'll probably want to ignore things like .git or node_modules directories.

See the Ignoring Files guide for details on how to do that.

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