
This class establishes the Reporter protocol: an object that implements runStart, runEnd and testResult. An object with this signature may be passed as the first argument to the TestQueue constructor. See Customization for more information.

The default implementation writes TAP-formatted output to the provided stream. All callback functions are passed to the function. If an error is thrown or emitted during a write operation, it is caught and passed to the callback.


  • tap Tap — 

    TAP-producer object

  • stream Writable — 

    data is written to this stream

new Reporter(tap, stream)

Creates a new Reporter object and sets the this.tap and properties.

  • tap Tap — 

    TAP-producer object

  • stream Writable — 

    data is written to this stream


const {Tap, Reporter} = require('spooning');
const reporter = new Reporter(new Tap(), process.stdout);

runStart(info, callback)

Write a TAP plan to

  • info RunStartInfo
  • callback function — 

    called when write finishes

    • error Error — 

      write error (or falsy value if none occurred)


  • Tap — 

    uses tap.handleStart to render the plan string

  • TestQueue — 

    called by TestQueue before the first test is run (unless testQueue.setAutoRun(true); has been called)


reporter.runStart({count: 2}, () => {
  //  plan has been written

runEnd(info, callback)

Write a footer with final result counts as a TAP diagnostic message to

  • info RunEndInfo
  • callback function — 

    called when write finishes

    • error Error — 

      write error (or falsy value if none occurred)


  • Tap — 

    uses tap.handleEnd to render the string

  • TestQueue — 

    called by TestQueue after the last test is run


reporter.runEnd({total: 2, passed: 1}, () => {
  //  footer has been written

testResult(info, callback)

Write a TAP result to

  • info TestResultInfo
  • callback function — 

    called when write finishes

    • error Error — 

      write error (or falsy value if none occurred)


  • Tap — 

    uses tap.handleResult to render the string

  • TestQueue — 

    called by TestQueue when a test completes


reporter.testResult({idx: 1, name: 'Should pass'}, () => {
  //  result has been written