
    Plan: '',   // "N..N" text
    Ok: '',     // "ok" text
    NotOk: '',  // "not ok" text
    Idx: '',    // test number (determined by order finished)
    Name: '',   // test name
    Log: '',    // diagnostic messages
    Reset: ''   // reset formatting


    count: 1  // number of tests that have been enqueued


    total: 1,   // number of tests that ran
    passed: 1,  // number of tests that passed
    exitCode: 0 // appropriate process exit code (0 or 1)


    idx: 1,                       // test number (determined by order finished)
    name: 'Should do the thing',  // test name 
    error: null,                  // Error if failed or falsy if passed
    diagnosticMessage: ''         // diagnostic message that may be provided by the test